Hens In The Time Of Covid
Planning a hens in the time of Covid – even a glass of champagne in hand doesn’t make these restrictions much fun! However don't worry, we are still hosting fabulous events and giving our treasured clients and bride's to be the send off that they deserve! We understand that this is an unpredictable time for everyone and we want to do our very best to support our clients with options for their events. We also know that your hen deserves an amazing celebration, and we want to help you plan and achieve that for her even when the world is a little hectic right now. We have created this Covid resource for our clients with some common FAQ’s related to the current Covid situation, how we can help and what you can expect if things aren’t able to proceed the way you thought they would.
We genuinely care about our clients have such a passion for what we do – we are sure this has already been demonstrated to you in our work together so far! So grasp a caramel mocha and have a read over the below, and let’s talk planning a hens alongside all of this Covid business.
Note that the info below applies to anyone who has made a booking or is thinking of making their booking anytime on or after the 1st of April 2020, your event is due to take place in more than 14 days and your event does not include a vessel.
What if I book an event and then it can’t go ahead because of Government Restrictions?
We get it, Covid is an unpredictable time for all of us and we want to help to put your mind at ease when it comes to booking your event with us. We understand that if you book in your event with us, and the Government Restrictions at the time of your celebration mean that your event can no longer go ahead, it would be really disappointing. The great news is that for all of our clients who are choosing to lock in their dates with a deposit now, we have options for a Plan B if your event can't get! Of course, we would have worked alongside you in the process of booking your original date, and as we know you love the package and want to celebrate your hen, we would love to have the pleasure of hosting your event at a future date where the restrictions make it possible!
We will happily credit your deposit to a date of your choosing any time within 6 months of your original celebration date. My Ultimate will arrange the credit of your deposit without any fees to do the legwork on our end changing everything over to your new date. To allow for greater flexibility, you can credit your deposit with us even if you don’t know the new date yet, and we can hold the deposit forward for the future date when you know it. Of course, as with when we originally booked in your event, the new date and time will be subject to availability on your new chosen date. This allows your group to still look forward to celebrating the bride and the hens with the event you have planned with us, and by crediting your deposit you are of course supporting us as a local events small business too – so it is a win, win!
Depending on what the Government Restrictions are, we also have the option of reworking your event to adhere to the restrictions that are in place on your celebration date. Obviously this varies from a case by case basis, dependant on whether or not there is a full lockdown, or some restrictions around guest numbers, indoor vs outdoor functions etc. This would involve working with your hens consultant to go over the specific options for your group, and may involve looking at new venues (for example, if your event included a nightclub that can't open due to Government Restrictions, looking at swapping that to a rooftop bar where the event can be held in line with them). This is a very adhoc experience where we will need to look at the specific restrictions at the time and rework your event with you - which we are happy to do!
So you can rest assured that if your event date is impacted by Government Restrictions you have options with us!
Note that whilst we are happy to often arrange a credit of your deposit or payment to a new date, we are unable to refund deposits or payments, even for Covid impacted events.
Will my event be able to go ahead, and when will you let me know if my event is impacted? Can you advise what sort of restrictions will apply to my event?
We’re still waiting on our crystal ball to be delivered, but it seems to have been lost in the post! In all seriousness, whilst we would love to be able to predict what is going to happen on your event date, we simply do not know what the Government Restrictions will look like on your chosen date if it is more than 14 days away. This is why we want to work alongside our clients to offer options like fee-free credit of your deposit if you don’t want to wait and see if your event will be impacted or how, or if at all. We will keep you posted and up to date on any changes that could impact your booking, and ultimately because things are changing so quickly, on your Final Due Date which is typically a few weeks prior to the event, we will be able to let you know where things stand. We of course rely on the same information as everyone does, we don't have inside information or any other information on upcoming restrictions than what the public do, we rely on the Official Government Restrictions Websites and Official Australian Health Resources to keep up to date info relevant to your celebration.
As frustrating as it is, we simply can’t give you a definitive answer on whether or not your event will be impacted in the future. On your Final Due Date we will be able to discuss the current Government Restrictions and how they are looking for your event. Whilst we can of course help you navigate the current health restrictions with specific regards to if your event can go ahead under the specific venue Covid-Safe Plan etc, we rely on and have access to the exact same information you do. We recommend that you keep a track of the current restrictions, guidelines, check in and vaccination requirements (where applicable) by searching the official information on https://www.health.gov.au/ or on your relevant state or territory government health resource.
The great news is that we have been hosting many fabulous events during this time and that the majority of our events have been able to go ahead so that the bride to be gets to have the celebration she deserves! Don’t forget, if you do need to make a call on whether the hens will go ahead or not earlier than your Final Due Date, you can see the ‘What if I need to credit my deposit to an event at a later date?’ question below.
How are the vaccine requirements going to work? Will the vaccine requirements be relevant to my event?
We rely on and have access to the exact same information you do. We recommend that you keep a track of the current restrictions, guidelines, check in and vaccination requirements (where applicable) by searching the official information on https://www.health.gov.au/ or on your relevant state or territory government health resource. For more information regarding your event and the vaccine requirements, see further FAQ's below.
We have decided we just don’t want to risk having our event after all, what are our options?
We understand that the Covid situation can be really stressful, and that everyone has differing levels of risk and concern. We also understand that some of your guests or bridal party may be vulnerable to Covid and therefore don't want the attend the party after all. If the Government Restrictions do allow your event to go ahead as planned, and you elect to not go because you’re worried about the risk, then we understand and want to offer you an alternative. As long as you let us know on or prior to your final due date with us, we will happily credit your deposit to a date of your choosing any time within 6 months of your original celebration date. This credit of your deposit will be free for you, we won’t charge any fees to do the legwork on our end changing everything over to your new date. To allow for greater flexibility, you can request a credit of your deposit with us even if you don’t know the new date yet, and we can hold the deposit forward for the future date when you know it. Of course, as with when we originally booked in your event, the new date and time will be subject to availability on your new chosen date. Note that in this circumstance, where your event can actually go ahead within Government Restrictions however you decide you don’t want to go ahead because of the risk, then we are happy to offer credit of your deposit for free, however a refund of your deposit won’t be an option.
What if the bride has postponed her wedding?
We completely appreciate how stressful it would be for the bride to be to have to reschedule her wedding, and we want to help by offering a solution to the hens date too! As long as you let us know on or prior to your final due date with us, we will happily credit your deposit to a date of your choosing any time within 6 months of your original celebration date. This credit of your deposit will be free for you, we won’t charge any fees to do the legwork on our end changing everything over to your new date. To allow for greater flexibility, you can credit your deposit with us even if you don’t know the new date yet, and we can hold the deposit forward for the future date when you know it. Of course, as with when we originally booked in your event, the new date and time will be subject to availability on your new chosen date. Note that in this circumstance, where your event can actually go ahead within Government Restrictions however you decide you don’t want to go ahead at all because the hen has postponed her wedding, then we are happy to offer a deposit credit for free, however a refund of your deposit won’t be an option.
If there are Government Restrictions in place that limit the amount of people who can be booked in a pub, club or restaurant, can't you just book us on two tables or under two separate names?
No, we can't. We take the Covid restrictions very seriously and they are in place to keep you and others safe. We are aware and abide by the same Covid Government Restrictions as you do, so it is important that you know that we are not willing to try and find loopholes or to book half the amount of your people on a booking under a separate name, as some of our clients have suggested. We understand the restrictions are tough - however they are about keeping us all safe. Our venues and suppliers also have their own Government Registered Covid Safe plans which are an important part of safety during this time, and they need to be adhered to. We are happy to work with you and provide advice on what event types and numbers are possible during the current Government Restrictions to ensure everything is above board! We are also happy to work with you should the Government Restrictions change as per our options above.
What if I need to credit my deposit?
We understand that unforeseen things may pop up during this unpredictable Covid period, and we want to be able to help our clients navigate this. This is why if you do decide to not go ahead with your celebration right now, we will happily credit your deposit to a date of your choosing any time within 6 months of your original celebration date. This credit of your deposit will be free for you, we won’t charge any fees to do the legwork on our end changing everything over to your new date. To allow for greater flexibility, you can arrange a credit of your deposit with us even if you don’t know the new date yet, and we can hold the deposit forward for the future date when you know it. Of course, as with when we originally booked in your event, the new date and time will be subject to availability on your new chosen date. Note that in this circumstance, where your event can actually go ahead within Government Restrictions however you do need to arrange a credit of your deposit, then we are happy to offer the credit for free, however a refund of your deposit won’t be an option.
What if the event can go ahead in the state that it was meant to, however other state restrictions stop our guests or bridal party from getting to the event?
We understand that there is never a clear situation or answer on these type of questions as we simply don’t know what the border restrictions or closures will be at the time of your event happening. If the event is unable to go ahead in the state that it was meant to, please see the options above regarding a deposit credit or the reworking of your event at the top of this page. If you are in the situation where the event can go ahead with Government Restrictions in the state it was being held, however border restrictions make it impossible for guests or the bridal party to attend, we will gladly work with you to either ensure the event can go ahead on reduced numbers (this may involve changing the inclusions of the package or reducing the minimum numbers and increasing the cost per person, for example, all with consultation with you and presenting you with your options), or of course we will offer you the option to credit your deposit to be used at a later celebration date for free. We will happily arrange a credit of your deposit to be used on a date of your choosing any time within 6 months of your original celebration date. This credit of your deposit will be free for you, we won’t charge any fees to do the legwork on our end changing everything over to your new date. To allow for greater flexibility, you can arrange a credit of your deposit with us even if you don’t know the new date yet, and we can hold the deposit forward for the future date when you know it. Of course, as with when we originally booked in your event, the new date and time will be subject to availability on your new chosen date. Note that in this circumstance, where your event can actually go ahead within Government Restrictions however you do need to arrange a credit of your deposit as some guests or bridal party can’t make it, then we are happy to offer a credit of your deposit for free or a rework of your package (costs may apply if reducing numbers), however a refund of your deposit won’t be an option.
We had the event booked however now the hen has decided to elope or the wedding isn’t going ahead, what are our options?
If your event is still able to go ahead under the Government Restrictions, you have the option to either go ahead and celebrate with the bride as a post-wedding celebration or a girls weekend away (champagne anyone?!) and if the existing date for your booking doesn’t still work, we will course we will offer you the option to credit your deposit to be used at a later date for free. we will happily credit your deposit to be used against a date of your choosing any time within 6 months of your original celebration date. This crediting of your deposit will be free for you, we won’t charge any fees to do the legwork on our end changing everything over to your new date. To allow for greater flexibility, you can arrange a credit of your deposit with us even if you don’t know the new date yet, and we can hold the deposit forward for the future date when you know it. Of course, as with when we originally booked in your event, the new date and time will be subject to availability on your new chosen date. Note that in this circumstance, where your event can actually go ahead within Government Restrictions however you decide to cancel it because the bride is no longer getting married or has eloped, then we are happy to offer a credit of your deposit for free or a rework of your package to a girls getaway, however a refund of your deposit won’t be an option.
What if the Government Restrictions only allow for a smaller number of guests than my package minimum?
In this instance, you have a few choices of how your proceed. We of course recommend that you watch and wait to see what the applicable Government Restrictions are going to be at the time of your actual event, as trying to predict more than a few weeks into the future is simply heresay. If your event is only able to go ahead with smaller numbers due to Government Restrictions, and your package minimum with us has a higher minimum, we will gladly work with you to either ensure the event can go ahead on reduced numbers (this may involve changing the inclusions of the package or reducing the minimum numbers and increasing the cost per person, for example, all with consultation with you and presenting you with your options), or of course we will offer you the option to arrange a credit of your deposit to be used against a later date for free, so that all of your brides guests can attend. If you do elect to credit your deposit due to the restrictions on numbers, we will happily arrange a credit of your deposit to be used at a later date of your choosing any time within 6 months of your original celebration date. This crediting of your deposit will be free for you, we won’t charge any fees to do the legwork on our end changing everything over to your new date. To allow for greater flexibility, you can arrange a credit of your deposit with us even if you don’t know the new date yet, and we can hold the deposit forward for the future date when you know it. Of course, as with when we originally booked in your event, the new date and time will be subject to availability on your new chosen date. Note that in this circumstance a refund of your deposit won’t be an option, as you have the option to arrange a credit of your deposit or for us to rework the package for you with lower numbers. Note that because our venues or suppliers may have their own minimum spends or minimum numbers that are needed for them to be able to facilitate the event, minimum spends may still apply. We will do everything we can to work with you to rework the package and present you with options to suit your circumstance as best as we possibly can.
What happens if I have un-vaccinated people in my group?
Each state and territory has different requirements regarding covid restrictions and vaccinations. You can view the most up to date information by searching the official information on https://www.health.gov.au/ or on your relevant state or territory government health resource. If planning to attend a My Ultimate event, you must abide by the Covid restrictions and regulations (including vaccination requirements, where applicable) that are in place at the time of your event. Note that My Ultimate does not have any impact, sway or say on these restrictions and our staff are unable to provide any health advice.
I, or someone in my group, does not want to be vaccinated. Can they have a refund?
All attendees are responsible for ensuring they meet with all restrictions and CovidSafe guidelines, restrictions, check-in and vaccination requirements. You can keep on top of these by searching the official information on https://www.health.gov.au/ or on your relevant state or territory government health resource. If you or your guests are unable to abide by the Covid restrictions, you will not receive a refund or credit note for your overall event nor your individual ticket to the event. Note that My Ultimate does not have any impact, sway or say on the government covid policies (including the vaccination requirements, where applicable) and our staff are unable to provide any health advice.
My numbers have dropped because unvaccinated people are unable to attend. Can you reduce the guest numbers on my package?
If you have less attendees than originally planned, we will gladly work with you to either ensure the event can go ahead on reduced numbers (this may involve changing the inclusions of the package or reducing the minimum numbers and increasing the cost per person, for example, all with consultation with you and presenting you with your options), or of course we will offer you the option to arrange a credit of your deposit to be used at a later date for free, so that it gives you more time to attain a larger guest list from the bride. If you do elect to credit your deposit due to the restrictions on numbers, we will happily credit your deposit towards a date of your choosing any time within 6 months of your original celebration date. This crediting of your deposit for your event will be free for you, we won’t charge any fees to do the legwork on our end changing everything over to your new date. To allow for greater flexibility, you can credit your deposit with us even if you don’t know the new date yet, and we can hold the deposit forward for the future date when you know it. Of course, as with when we originally booked in your event, the new date and time will be subject to availability on your new chosen date. Note that in this circumstance a refund of your deposit won’t be an option, as you have the option to arrange a credit of your deposit or for us to rework the package for you with lower numbers. Note that because our venues or suppliers may have their own minimum spends or minimum numbers that are needed for them to be able to facilitate the event, minimum spends may still apply. We will do everything we can to work with you to rework the package and present you with options to suit your circumstance as best as we possibly can.
What happens if I, or my guests, are turned away from the event on the day because I/they are not abiding by the Covid restrictions (including vaccination requirements, where applicable).
All attendees are responsible for ensuring they meet with all restrictions and CovidSafe guidelines, restrictions, check-in and vaccination requirements. You can keep on top of these by searching the official information on https://www.health.gov.au/ or on your relevant state or territory government health resource. If you or your guests are turned away from the event on the day because of refusal to abide by the Covid restrictions, you will not receive a refund or credit note.
What if someone who was meant to attend the event has Covid symptoms, is waiting on a Covid test result, has been diagnosed with Covid, is a close contact, or can no longer attend due to a Covid related reason?
Planning to attend an event during the pandemic is tough – for the organiser, for the person themselves, and for everyone involved in the logistical planning and running of the day. If you have already paid for a place for someone who can no longer attend the event, you can have someone come in their place, however a refund or credit note will unfortunately not be an option. Please inform your guests of this when they prepare to accept their invitation to the event you are planning. Please note that this is a policy we have had to put in place at the request of our event suppliers, with whom a contractual agreement to host your event has been entered as above regarding your event – as such our staff have no say or sway on this, so please respect this and their position.
What if a large number of guest's meant to attend the event have Covid symptoms, are waiting on a Covid test result, have been diagnosed with Covid, are close contacts, or can no longer attend due to a Covid related reason?
In this instance crediting your deposit to a later date is available. Please contact a member of our team and we will liaise with our suppliers to cancel the event for you and arrange a credit of your deposit. Note that each of our individual suppliers have their own policies on time frames with which events can be changed or cancelled - please rest assured that we will work with you and the suppliers involved to ensure the best possible outcome in the cancellation your event, as we completely understand that there is no point having a hens party where the vast majority of guest's cannot attend. Some suppliers may charge a fee to cancel the event - for example, if suppliers have already ordered food for the event etc, where as the other suppliers on the booking may charge no fees to cancel the event under these circumstances. This will be treated on a case by case basis and whilst My Ultimate Hens ourselves will charge zero fees for arranging cancellation and the crediting of your deposit the event, we may need to pass on any fees incurred from suppliers involved, as given in the example above.
What if the hen Covid symptoms, is waiting on a Covid test result, has been diagnosed with Covid, is a close contact, or can no longer attend her own event due to a Covid related reason?
In this unfortunate instance, please contact a member of our team - we will liaise with our suppliers and work on arranging a credit of your deposit for you in order to ensure the guest of honour can attend at a later date. Note that each of our individual suppliers have their own policies on time frames with which events can be changed or cancelled - please rest assured that we will work with you and the suppliers involved to ensure the best possible outcome in cancelling your event, as we completely understand that there is no point having a hens party where the bride to be cannot attend. Some suppliers may charge a fee to cancel the event - for example, if the hen is unable to attend and only finds out the morning of the event, a platter company may charge a fee to cover their lost fresh produce, or arrange to have the platters delivered to the hens house instead, where as the other suppliers on the booking may charge no fees to cancel the event. This will be treated on a case by case basis and whilst My Ultimate Hens ourselves will charge zero fees for cancelling the event and arranging a credit of your deposit, we may need to pass on any fees incurred from suppliers involved, as given in the example above.
In this unfortunate instance, please contact a member of our team - we will liaise with our suppliers and work on arranging a credit of your deposit for you in order to ensure the guest of honour can attend at a later date. Note that each of our individual suppliers have their own policies on time frames with which events can be changed or cancelled - please rest assured that we will work with you and the suppliers involved to ensure the best possible outcome in cancelling your event, as we completely understand that there is no point having a hens party where the bride to be cannot attend. Some suppliers may charge a fee to cancel the event - for example, if the hen is unable to attend and only finds out the morning of the event, a platter company may charge a fee to cover their lost fresh produce, or arrange to have the platters delivered to the hens house instead, where as the other suppliers on the booking may charge no fees to cancel the event. This will be treated on a case by case basis and whilst My Ultimate Hens ourselves will charge zero fees for cancelling the event and arranging a credit of your deposit, we may need to pass on any fees incurred from suppliers involved, as given in the example above.
What if the hen doesn't want to risk contracting Covid19 or becoming a close contact so close to her wedding?
We completely understand that some hens nights are only 1 week or even 1 day before the wedding and no one would want to cancel their wedding due to isolation! In this instance we are able to cancel the event and arrange a credit of your deposit which can be used on a date after the wedding has past. We will happily credit your deposit to be used on a date of your choosing any time within 6 months of your original celebration date. This crediting of your deposit will be free for you, we won’t charge any fees to do the legwork on our end changing everything over to your new date. Whilst My Ultimate will not charge any fees to cancel your event and credit your deposit, please note some suppliers may do so to cover funds already paid towards hosting the event. Many of our lovely ladies opt for a post wedding hens but our events can also be used for birthday parties or even just girly weekends away!
I just want to cancel my booking. What are my options?
If your event is able to go ahead with the Government Restrictions at the time of celebration, and you decide to cancel your event anyway, you will loose your deposit. Have a look over our general Terms and Conditions to see our cancellation policy.
Do we need to social distance at the hens?
All of the current Government Restrictions and Recommendations regarding social distancing must be adhered to during your booking. For the latest advice, please see the official Government Health Website for the state your event will be taking place in.
What are the T’s and C’s that apply to my booking?
Great question! Apart from this Covid specific info, we have our general Terms and Conditions. We really pride ourselves on being transparent with all of our booking policies and terms so that you know exactly what to expect when booking in your fun celebration with us! Please take a look over our general Terms and Conditions and familiarise yourself with them.
We also have a list of common FAQ’s which you can browse over which may help with the planning of your event!
We are here to help our clients during this unpredictable Covid period. We are also here to ensure your hen has the incredible hens celebration she deserves – clink clink!